Thursday, September 15, 2011

Read this if you are feeling down

Sometimes we feel so much happiness. Some of us will say that they are in "cloud 9" during this times. Sometimes we feel that nothing else matters but that feeling of happiness. It doesn't even matter if we fail in other things because there is this thing that make us so high.
We are so high, that we forget that all things has to come to an end. And when this time comes we look for something that we can hold on to. This is the time when people becomes creative. They think of a way out of the limbo. Some of the best artist in the world they maybe writer, painter or song composer has undergone this process.It is natural  for us human to experience this things. But some of us failed to find a way out of the limbo, while some of us are lucky to find the way out. And if your one of the lucky people that can go out of this limbo,good for you. The next limbo that may cross your life may be nothing  for you, and you feel that it just went pass by you.

Here is a quote that may help if your on the limbo.

"When things have gone wrong as they sometimes will do,or an obstacle suddenly pops in to view. You've got to believe,this is merely a stop and eventually you are bound to come out on top. So whatever you do JUST DON'T QUIT."


  1. The teacher must derive not only the capacity, but the desire, to observe natural phenomena. The teacher must understand and feel her position of observer: the activity must lie in the phenomenon.

  2. Nice one bro! SAan nga ba to? sa tickler?

  3. thanks bro!yup, got it from lord kurimaw!
    there's more to come!

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